Reviving the Cosmic Adventures of Flash Gordon: A New Comic Series Coming Soon
Flash Gordon, the iconic science fiction hero, is making a triumphant return to the comic book world after a brief hiatus. Created by Alex Raymond in 1934, Flash Gordon has been a beloved figure in pop culture for nearly a century, captivating audiences with his thrilling adventures in space.
Now, Mad Cave Studios, in collaboration with King Features, is bringing back Flash Gordon in a brand new series written by Jeremy Adams and illustrated by Will Conrad. The series promises to deliver the same old-fashioned cosmic fun that fans have come to love, with a fresh new twist.
In this latest iteration, Flash Gordon finds himself on a secret prison planet, where he learns that his companion Dale Arden is the target of an assassination plot. Determined to save her, Flash embarks on a galaxy-spanning quest filled with old friends, new threats, and a mysterious conspiracy that threatens the entire universe.
“I couldn’t be more excited to see Flash Gordon come back to the printed page,” said writer Jeremy Adams. “Will Conrad has taken the character to a whole new level with his incredible art, and the team at Mad Cave have been a joy to work with as we take this larger-than-life character on a quest that spans the entire universe.”
To kick off the series, Mad Cave will release a special “Flash Gordon #0” prelude issue for Free Comic Book Day on May 5, followed by the premiere of “Flash Gordon #1” on July 24, 2024. The series will feature variant covers by acclaimed artists such as Frazer Irving, Reilly Brown, and Dan Panosian.
“I am beyond excited with the chance to work alongside Jeremy and everyone at Mad Cave on bringing Flash Gordon back to comics,” said series artist Will Conrad. “It’s like going back in time and bringing all of these beloved characters back to the present, with some new and modern tweaks, but without losing the essence of each one. I believe everyone will feel the same!”
Fans of Flash Gordon can look forward to an exciting new chapter in the hero’s saga, filled with action, adventure, and plenty of cosmic thrills. Get ready to blast off into space once again with Flash Gordon!